Food service industry with a restaurant concept is a rapid business in Malaysia. Food quality and taste to customers’ preferences are as important as the restaurant management itself. Other aspects of safety are also very essential such as food cleanliness, customer service, surroundings, cutleries, products, marketing and also human resources.
- To increase the operational management standard of a restaurant while improve its competitiveness among other restaurant entrepreneurs.
- To understand the importance and the requirement in product development and restaurant rebranding in boosting its sales and profit margins.
- To ensure the business will remain sustainable.
Target Groups
- Target Group (T1-PROTECT & T2-SCALE-UP)
- Bumiputera;
- 18 to 60 years old;
- A minimum of three (3) years of operation period and is registered under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM));
- A permanent premise with operating approval licence from respective local authority (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT));
- Fully involved in the business operation; and
- Committed and obliged to all trainings provided.
- To create Bumiputera restaurant entrepreneurs with individual concept and image while deliver improved and better quality service.
- To increase the numbers of Halal certified restaurants and BeSS
- To increase sales at least by 20% to 30% upon one year of program participation.
- To contribute to the development of its local socio-economy and the growth in its Growth Domestic Product (GDP).
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Last update: 6 September 2024 at 17:18:42
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